Auenson Aerial Drones, llc
Thermal Drone Lost Pet Search and Rescue

Basic Service Area:

Columbia, WI; Dane, WI; Green, WI; Iowa, WI; Jefferson, WI; Lafayette, WI; Richland, WI; Rock, WI; Sauk, WI

We offer Lost Pet Search & Locate services
as well as Livestock/Deer Search and Recovery services.


Why hire a drone to be used for search and rescue/recovery of your pet?

Hiring a Mavic 3T drone pilot to help search for a lost pet offers several advantages that can significantly increase the chances of finding your pet quickly and safely. Here are some compelling reasons to consider:

Mavic3T Taking off
Mavic3T GreenPad

1. Advanced Imaging Technology

  • Thermal Imaging: The Mavic 3T is equipped with thermal cameras that can detect heat signatures, making it easier to spot pets even in dense vegetation, low light, or at night.
  • High-Resolution Visuals: The drone’s high-resolution cameras provide clear, detailed images and videos, allowing the pilot to see your pet even from a distance.

2. Aerial Perspective

  • Wide Coverage Area: Drones can cover large areas much faster than a person on foot, which is crucial when every minute counts in finding a lost pet.
  • Access to Hard-to-Reach Areas: Drones can easily access areas that might be difficult or dangerous for humans to reach, such as dense woods, rugged terrain, or areas with obstacles.

3. Quick Deployment

  • Immediate Search: A drone pilot can quickly launch and start searching, reducing the time it takes to begin a search. This rapid response is critical in improving the chances of recovering your pet.

4. Real-Time Monitoring

  • Live Feed: The Mavic 3T allows for real-time video feeds, so both the pilot and the pet owner can monitor the search as it happens. This allows for immediate decision-making if the pet is spotted.
  • On-the-Spot Adjustments: Based on what is seen from the drone, the search strategy can be adjusted in real-time, increasing the effectiveness of the operation.

5. Enhanced Efficiency

  • Targeted Searches: Drones can be used to quickly eliminate areas where the pet is not located, narrowing down the search zone and making the search more efficient.
  • Reduced Manpower: Using a drone reduces the need for large search parties, making the operation less complex and more focused.

6. Safe and Humane

  • Minimally Invasive: Drones can search without disturbing the environment or wildlife, ensuring a safe and humane operation.
  • Safety for Pet and People: Searching for a pet in difficult or dangerous conditions (like rough terrain or bad weather) can put both the pet and people at risk. A drone can safely conduct searches in these conditions without putting anyone in harm’s way.

7. Cost-Effective

  • Saves Time and Resources: A drone search can often be more cost-effective than organizing large ground search efforts, especially when considering the time saved and the efficiency of covering large areas quickly.

8. Expertise

  • Trained Operators: Professional drone pilots are trained to operate drones safely and efficiently, understand local regulations, and know how to optimize the drone’s technology for search and rescue operations.
  • Experience in Search Operations: Many drone pilots specializing in search and rescue have experience in similar missions, giving them the skills to conduct thorough and effective searches.


Hiring a Mavic 3T drone pilot is a smart choice when time is of the essence, and the safety of your pet is a priority. With advanced technology, quick deployment, and the ability to cover large and difficult areas efficiently, a drone pilot can be an invaluable asset in recovering your lost pet.

All searches are done in the order they are received unless special circumstances arise...

Service Fees:

Base Rate

$250 for a 1 to 3-hour search. Usually cover at least 100-300 acres, depending on area being search.

Travel time

Within 30 miles – Free
31-60 miles = $75 per hour starting from home base.
60+ miles = $150 unless pre-approved.

Additional Hours

$125 per hour beyond the initial three hours up to 3 more hours paid at time of requested extension.

Consecutive Returns

$175 billed for each subsequent day on top of base rate for the day.

Note: Sunset to sunrise: rates are charged 25% additional due to use of a specialized spotlight and intense confirmation of each thermal hit needs to be lit up and then confirmed with the regular zoom camera.

***Out of Service Areas Considered on a Case by Case Basis& Charged Accordingly***

Payment Options

We offer flexible payment options to make the process convenient for you:

Payment is required prior to dispatching from headquarter location.

Fees are non-refundable upon payment made regardless if pet is located prior to arrival. No exceptions and no guarantees of locating your pet.

We use the following for means of payments:

Requirements for Pet Searches and Rescue:

When engaging a drone operator for pet searches and rescues, clients also have certain responsibilities and requirements to ensure the operation is effective, efficient, and safe. Here are some key requirements for clients:

1. Provide Detailed Information

  • Accurate Description of the Pet:
    • Provide a detailed description of the lost pet, including breed, size, color, markings, behavior, and any unique identifiers (e.g., collar, tags).
  • Last Known Location:
    • Clearly communicate the last known location where the pet was seen, including any relevant details about the surroundings (e.g., nearby roads, wooded areas, bodies of water).
  • Timeline of Events:
    • Share the timeline of when the pet went missing and any actions taken so far to find the pet (e.g., flyers, social media posts, ground searches).

2. Access and Permissions

  • Access to Search Area:
    • Ensure that the drone operator has access to the areas where the pet may be located. This may include obtaining permission from property owners or coordinating with local authorities if necessary.
  • Permission for Drone Use:
    • Provide written or verbal consent for the drone to operate over your property or any other relevant areas where the search will take place. Especially, State land, State Parks, County lands, and all private property. We will take care of airspace consent.

3. Coordination and Communication

  • Be Available for Communication:
    • Stay accessible during the search operation, either on-site or via phone, to provide updates, answer questions, and make decisions based on the findings.
  • Provide Real-Time Updates:
    • Inform the drone operator immediately if the pet is found or if new information arises that could impact the search.

4. Preparation for the Search

  • Secure the Area:
    • If possible, secure the area where the search will take place to minimize distractions or obstacles (e.g., keep other pets indoors, inform neighbors).
  • Gather Relevant Items:
    • Provide items that may help attract the pet, such as a favorite toy, blanket, or food, which can be placed in the search area to lure the pet out of hiding.
  • Prepare for Safety:
    • Ensure that you and any helpers are dressed appropriately and are ready to assist the drone operator if needed (e.g., guiding the drone to specific areas, retrieving the pet if spotted).

5. Understanding and Setting Expectations

  • Understand Drone Capabilities:
    • Be aware of what drones can and cannot do. While drones are powerful tools, they may not be able to see through dense foliage or operate in severe weather conditions.
  • Set Realistic Expectations:
    • Understand that while a drone search can significantly increase the chances of finding a lost pet, success is not guaranteed. The operator will do their best, but factors like terrain, weather, and the pet’s behavior can impact the outcome.

6. Legal and Ethical Considerations

  • Compliance with Local Laws:
    • Ensure that the search operation complies with local laws and regulations, particularly concerning drone use and privacy. This may involve communicating with neighbors or local authorities.
  • Respect for Privacy:
    • Understand that drone searches might involve flying over or near private property. It’s important to respect the privacy of others during the operation.
  • Animal Welfare:
    • Consider the pet’s welfare during the search. If the pet is found, be prepared to approach it calmly and safely to avoid causing further distress.

7. Financial Responsibilities

  • Payment for Services:
    • Be prepared to cover the costs of the drone search and rescue service, including any additional fees for extended search times, travel, or specialized equipment.
  • Insurance Considerations:
    • Understand the insurance coverage of the drone operator and discuss any liability concerns before the search begins.

8. Post-Search Follow-Up

  • Review Findings:
    • After the search, review the findings with the drone operator. This includes going over any footage or data collected during the search and discussing possible next steps.
  • Feedback and Communication:
    • Provide feedback to the drone operator on the service, and stay in touch if additional searches are needed.


By fulfilling these requirements, clients can greatly enhance the effectiveness of the drone search and rescue operation. Clear communication, realistic expectations, and active participation in the process are crucial for maximizing the chances of a successful outcome.

Auenson Aerial Drones, llcand its operators shall not be held responsible for any issues that arise before, during and after search time has expired and we have left the area.

You are bound to these requirements at time of payment.

Why Us?

Note: Dog trackers and trappers are an additional independent fee charged by them.
Feel free to reach out to us at
or email us at
for any inquiries or to initiate a search operation.

Lost Pet Search & Rescue Client Agreement Form

Client Information:

Pet Search Service Application Form


Personal Information:


Pet Information:


Search Area Information:

Please Note: Drone Operators have the ability to obtain flight permission in most airspace but are limited if/when FAA authorization is not granted. (Military Airspace is completely off-limits).

Client Responsibilities:

  • I agree to provide accurate and complete information about my pet and the circumstances surrounding its disappearance.
  • I understand that I must obtain any necessary permissions for drone use over private property within the search area.
  • I will remain accessible for communication during the search and will provide real-time updates if the pet is found or new information arises.
  • I acknowledge that the drone search will be conducted in compliance with local regulations and that the success of the search is not guaranteed.
  • I agree to coordinate with the drone operator to ensure a safe and effective search, including securing the area and providing any items that may help attract the pet.

Payment Agreement:

  • I agree to pay the full fee for the drone search and rescue service, including any additional charges for:
    • Travel ($75)
    • Specialized equipment ($310 for 2 hours)
    • Extended search times ($125/hour, up to 3 hours)
  • The payment amount agreed upon is:
  • I understand that payment is due prior to the drone operator leaving home base in order to secure the drone search services.
*** Searches are done in the order they are received unless otherwise prioritized (additional fee required).***

Terms and Conditions:

  • I understand that the drone operator will conduct the search to the best of their ability, but certain factors such as weather, terrain, and the pet's behavior may impact the outcome.
  • I agree to respect the privacy of others during the search operation and will ensure that any necessary permissions are obtained.
  • I acknowledge that the drone operator is licensed and insured and will not be held liable for any unforeseen incidents during the search, provided that all reasonable precautions are taken.



I, the undersigned, have read and understood the above terms and conditions and agree to adhere to them.